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Saying Goodbye to One Decade & Hello to 2020!

It’s almost 2020 and, like many of you, I cannot help but reflect back on all the changes and events that took place over, not only the past year, but the past decade. It’s strange to think how fast the past ten years have passed.

There were many positives and highs that have happened, just as there were many lows. Often times, just when I thought things would get better, life would hand me some obstacles and events that would get in the way, especially over the last half of the decade. But that’s life, right? It happens to everyone. I also feel like I had been living my life just for other people the past ten years, mostly the last few, and I know I need to get back on track and live my life for me and my hopes and dreams which have been completely sidelined.

Here are some of the main events that happened in my life this past decade, in no particular order, both the highs and lows:

- Surprise baby #2 was born! A baby girl, Kensington (2016).

- My aunt died by suicide exactly a week after baby girl was born (2016). It was a tragic loss that took awhile for my family to deal with and try to make sense of.

- I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease (2017) and it took almost two years to regulate and figure out the medication.

- Even though I desperately wanted to move back to Los Angeles, too many obstacles and the high cost of living (much higher than when I lived there previously) got in the way. So, it never happened. I look back now and am happy we didn’t move back there and am okay now with never living there again as I know it has changed so much since leaving in 2009.

- I had started and pretty much stopped writing a travel blog. It’s hard to keep up with on a regular basis and not much incentive to do so while not getting paid. However, it opened up doors to other writing opportunities such as being featured on some popular travel blogs along with being a featured writer for an online travel magazine coming out in 2020! I decided I love writing for others more than for myself!

- My mom and I started writing a book. Hopefully it will be out sometime in 2020!

I said “yes” to any travel opportunity to come along. Travel has been a major mode of healing and has brought so much joy, especially the past few years. I was fortunate to travel to many different countries I hadn’t been to before, revisit some ones I have visited in the past, and even work on location for many months in some cities I hadn’t been to before.

- My parents got divorced after over 40 years of marriage (2019). It's a strange thing for my sister and I to get used to as this changes the family dynamic along with holidays.

- I took a lot of time off working the past few years, feeling guilty for doing so since I haven’t been making much money to contribute to my family. But I’ve been lucky for the time so I could watch baby girl grow up a bit (time I may not have had otherwise), spend more time with my eldest, and deal with the chronic illness I have which took more time than I anticipated to regulate. I shouldn’t feel guilty, but I do.

- Before taking time off, I worked a whole lot on the east coast on some of the best shows with some of my favorite people! I worked with so many lovely, talented, fun cast and crew on those shows and I can’t wait to get back to work in 2020!

- As with anyone, life has its ups and downs. I remain hopeful that this new year and new decade will bring about some much-needed changes and opportunities! I look forward to getting back to work (hopefully on a new show) and will continue to write. I will say “YES” to all opportunities that cross my path and continue to say “yes” to any travel opportunity. I am taking back my life in 2020 after putting too many things on hold for too long!

I wish you all a happy, healthy, prosperous new year and new decade! Fill your lives with adventure and happy things! Surround yourself with positivity and loved ones! Life will only get better. This new year and new decade is like hitting the reset button!


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