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International Day of Happiness (And the Present of Being Present)

Not the most flattering photo but I love it because I am PRESENT & HAPPY here!

Today is March 20, otherwise known as "International Day of Happiness." It's become commonplace to have a national or international "day of" something every day for the past several years. This particular Day of Happiness was started back in 2011, and first celebrated in 2013, as part of the United Nations pledge to recognize happiness as a fundamental human goal.

Sounds idealistic, doesn't it? Well, it is and I am all about jumping on board the happiness train!

Thinking about today, though, brings up many questions: am I happy? What makes me happy? Are my kids happy? My friends? My family? The world?

My thoughts can get a bit overwhelming, so I had to stop and think for a moment. What makes me truly happy, so happy that I am actually living in the present moment - NOT the PAST, NOT the FUTURE, but THE PRESENT? The answer that came to me is TRAVEL.

Travel is the one thing that forces me to be 100% in the moment. Even meditation doesn't always do that!

Maybe it's the newness of what I am experiencing when I travel somewhere new, meeting new people, learning about the place I am visiting, eating different food. Thinking about happiness and being present even further, even trying a new restaurant or a new activity that breaks me out of my routine in the town I live, forces me to be present, and brings a glimmer of happiness into my life.

Our world has become so complicated in the past couple decades, especially with the rise of technology. How long has it been since you have gone anywhere without seeing someone (or many someones) scrolling away on their phone? Most people are no longer present, and that's sad. How many screens do you have in your home? COUNT THEM! (For the record, there are four people and ten screens in my house. TEN! No one needs that many screens!!) We are disconnected as a species, and this is the time, more than ever, to connect, to put away our phones and be PRESENT in the moment. Here are a few things you can try in order to be present and hopefully find some happiness:

1. Limit your screen time (and your children's screen time). Yes, you may need your computer at work and your phone to check in with your loved ones, but do you really need to watch two hours of Netflix when you get home? Probably not. Why not read a book instead?

2. When out to eat with friends or family, have a "no cell phone" rule. Put all the phones in the middle of the table, and if someone reaches for their phone, they have to pay for dinner! (My sister and her friends have this rule when they go out and it's worked out very well. Since no one wants to pay for everyone's dinner, they leave their phones in the middle of the table and enjoy the moment they are together).

3. No screens at the family dinner table!

4. Write what you are thankful for everyday in a journal. I try to write at least ten things a day and it has helped my happiness tremendously. I especially do this on days I feel depressed or anxious because it forces me to think of even the simplest things, like the coffee I'm enjoying, at that present moment.

5. Meditate. Nothing forces you to be more present than meditation. In order to "learn" how to meditate effectively, I took classes at a meditation center. The teacher said it was actually okay if our minds wander and to not be too hard on ourselves if they did. That was a new concept for me! And now I meditate more effectively on my own. There are many free guided meditations and meditation music tracks on YouTube and the Insight App. My teacher also said it's best to meditate 20 minutes in the morning just after rising and 20 minutes in the evening just before bed (better sleep is a good outcome if you are able to do this). Time can sometimes be an issue, especially with a demanding job or kids, but just try even five minutes a day to start! (Yoga is a great alternative to meditating because it involves a bit of meditation).

6. Try something new. Have you ever wanted to take a class in jewelry-making? How about a vegan cooking class at a local restaurant? Find the time to try something new. Studies find that spending money on new experiences give people greater satisfaction than spending money on material goods.

7. Travel. Going somewhere new and being forced out of your comfort zone can give you a huge confidence boost! It also helps you learn and appreciate other cultures. Travel helps you have new experiences (read #6 on the list again).

Ultimately, we are all in charge of our own happiness. I just hope my list of suggestions helps some of you out there as you search for ways to make yourselves feel more PRESENT and, therefore, a bit happier. Being present can bring about the present of happiness. And traveling brings both to me!

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