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All I Want...

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I am in the midst of a crisis. Call it a mid-life crisis or whatever, but it is a crisis of sorts. I am seemingly stuck, feeling like I am in purgatory and not knowing how to get out. It's been like this for a while, and for a while I have been trying to figure out what I really want out of life. I know many of you out there are also on the same boat, and it can happen at any age.

So what do I want? It's a loaded question, but a very important one.

I want...

-to figure out how to work remotely so I can travel freely and be at home with my children instead of working countless hours in an office.

-to be financially fit and financially free.

-to travel all over the world with my family. I want my children to experience different places and cultures so they can be better global citizens and have open minds to the way others live in this great world of ours.

-to buy and restore an old castle in Europe and turn it into a hotel.

-to move out of the U.S.A., at least for a few years in order to immerse myself in another culture.

Is this too much to ask for? I don't think so. Anything we want in life is attainable if we take the steps towards our goals.

I've been reading a few self-help books lately which involve the Law of Attraction. It also seems like many self-help and entrepreneurial books strongly suggest meditating. So, I am starting to meditate more frequently and more seriously, even joining a meditation center in my neighborhood. Are things slow to progress? Sure. But I know in my heart things will start to happen for the better very soon and I will figure it out, just as any of you reading this will figure out what you want and where you want to go in life. And I wish you lots of love as you figure it out. All you need is some time and patience.

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